Have you ever thought of how marketing campaigns differ for cleantech brands and non-cleantech brands? Cleantech brands offer innovative products and services to solve environmental issues such as pollution or unsustainable energy use. These brands are impact-driven and designed to do good. Therefore, they do need more careful planning when marketed.

Consumers using cleantech brands are often more cautious of the promises these brands are making and tend to do their research on the products and services requiring the marketing campaigns to be credible. In this article, we’ll dive into the importance of cleantech marketing, and explain how and why these marketing campaigns differ from traditional marketing campaigns.


What is cleantech?

According to cleantech.org, clean technology, cleantech, has emerged as an umbrella term encompassing the investment asset class, technology, and business sectors which include clean energy, environmental, and sustainable or green, products and services. Cleantech aims to reduce the harm industries cause to the environment through innovative products. There are countless excellent cleantech brands out there, solving environmental issues one at a time. Here are three brands to follow in 2022: 


Emitwise is a carbon accounting platform that enables you to measure, report and reduce the carbon footprint of your operations and supply chain.


Miravel has created an indoor wall garden that serves as a functional appliance that grows food and other plants with the power of autonomous horticulture.


Nozama is a logistics software platform that tracks the CO₂ footprint of each delivery from warehouse to customer, taking control of your metrics & communicating your impact.

Marketing campaigns for cleantech brands

There are few factors to consider when creating marketing campaigns for cleantech brands. Brands that are working on reducing the harm industries cause to the environment, should appear completely transparent of their actions and emphasize how they are truly wanting to do good and not just make profit. As mentioned, consumers using cleantech brands are more likely to do research on every aspect of the brand and therefore, all information must be truthful and 100% credible. Here are five things to consider when creating marketing campaigns for cleantech brands:


To show your consumer that you are a truly credible business, one of the most important things to do in your marketing activities is to not use sustainable words without proving how they are sustainable and help to tackle social and environmental problems our world is facing. All of the marketing activities, including marketing channels, need to weave in credibility using numbers, experts, certifications, and more. Credibility is built on trust and trust is established through reliability and honesty. On your marketing campaigns, be truthful, honest, and truly transparent. Marketing information that is not true won’t be helping your business to grow, and will only harm you in the long run.


Being completely realistic and transparent about the actions of your business will help consumers to trust your brand. Transparent businesses are not afraid to show all aspects of the business performance as it is and to open conversations with their customers. If you want to learn how to be more transparent, read our blog post ‘Ethical Marketing Guide: How to Be Transparent and Use Marketing for Good

Marketing channels for cleantech brands

One of the most important things for your cleantech brand in terms of marketing is to find the best marketing channels. The best channels obviously depend on what your brand is trying to achieve. Get to know all the marketing channels out there and do research on where your consumers are most active. All  channels are different and bring you value in different ways. If you take a look at social media, most people have an Instagram account and there, it is easy for your consumers to find you. Especially if your audience is a bit younger. Then again in LinkedIn, you can share your brand with a more professional audience. Email marketing will help you to share your news to a more widely, already engaged audience. The importance of researching what the best marketing channels for your cleantech brand are, cannot be addressed enough and should be a high priority.

Emotional and social problems

Cleantech brands should also genuinely focus on what the emotional and social problems are that they are solving, and only after that the functionality – in all marketing campaigns, avoid talking about the product features too much but instead focus on the emotional impact of the cleantech product. What is the problem the product is solving and how does that make your consumers feel? 

In conclusion, marketing campaigns for cleantech brands should be credible, transparent, and focus on emotional and social problems. Users of these brands are often more likely to research the brands before buying the products or services, and are critical of what they see and hear. As cleantech brands are there to solve problems and reduce the environmental impact, they must be credible and trustworthy. In the long-term, these are the brands that are truly helping our planet.

Author: Oona Yletyinen