There are thousands of marketing agencies and marketing professionals out there, providing different services for businesses. Needless to say, for a sustainable brand whose mission is to make a difference to people and the planet, it is a bit more complicated to choose which agency to hire compared to other brands.
Sustainable brands integrate environmental, economic, and/or social issues into their operations. They are working not only to make a profit but also to make a change for the better. Therefore, it’s highly important to these brands to do their research on which agency to hire, to make sure the agency values are similar to the brand values.
In this post, we’ll be diving into the details of what to take into account when picking an ethical marketing agency for your sustainable brand.

5 steps to pick an ethical marketing agency
Look for an agency that has similar core values and company culture to your brand
Probably the most significant factor when looking for an ethical marketing agency for your sustainable brand is to find one with similar core values and company culture. Value alignment is an important element of a successful relationship and is highly important in the long term. You want to make sure to work with an agency and with people who share your values and are willing to work them in mind. Agencies sharing your values and company culture are more likely to have not only the expertise and knowledge but also interest to work with an impact-driven, sustainable brand.
Understanding your business goals
The agency you hire should always understand your business goals. Business goals indicate the overview of what that business wishes to achieve in both, short and long term. In order to move forward and track the progress of the used marketing actions, the agency must be fully aware of your future plans and your desired outcomes. It is in the best interest of your brand that the agency is working to achieve your goals and delivering marketing that supports and contribute to these goals.

Pick an agency that shows commitment to your company
It’s obvious that when you hire someone to work for you and taking care of your marketing strategies, you want them to commit to your company. This will not only reduce your recruitment and training costs in a long run but also secures your marketing efforts. Mutual commitment emphasizes shared respect to your and the agency’s time and approach.
Good communication is essential
Good communication between the client and the marketing agency can’t be emphasized enough. Simply, effective communication occurs when a message is sent and received accurately. Good communication is essential in terms of achieving productivity and maintaining strong relationships. It helps you as a client to understand how the agency works and what they’ll be doing, and it helps the marketing agency to understand the services you truly need as a client. In addition, it ensures everything is delivered and performed effectively and within the company’s mission.
Demand realistic expectations
Lastly, you want to make sure that the agency you hire gives you realistic expectations instead of outlandish promises. If the promises the agency is making sound too good to be true, most often, they are. When the agency is honest with you from the beginning on what they can do for you and what not, you’ll most likely to receive the best results in the long term.

Sustainable brands and businesses are hiring ethical marketing agencies for various reasons. Some of them want to freshen up their marketing strategies and get new ideas, some want to save time, and others simply prepare for the future.
Hiring an ethical marketing agency for your sustainable brand is not always an easy task. Make sure to look into a few before making the final decisions. Comparing agencies is only a benefit as you’ll gain knowledge of different agencies and their ways of working. Then, you can choose the most suitable for your company and your needs. We hope these five steps will help you to get started to learn what you should know when looking into different agencies.
If you are wondering whether to hire an agency or a freelancer for marketing purposes, read our blog post “Should your ethical brand hire a marketing agency or a freelancer?” to learn more!
Author: Oona Yletyinen